I just thought this might be useful, if anyone who wants to play around with eucalyptus 2.x database. In these version eucalyptus uses HSQLDB as its database.
Step 1: Get into the following folder and we need to get the eucalyptus database password
# <installed eucalyptus folder>/var/lib/eucalyptus/db/
# cat eucalyptus_general.script | grep "CREATE USER SA PASSWORD"
Copy only the password part from it
Example if the output is
CREATE USER SA PASSWORD "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"
then password is
# <installed eucalyptus folder>/usr/share/
# java -cp log4j-1.2.15.jar:eucalyptus-db-hsqldb-ext-2.0.2.jar:hsqldb- org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager
Note: The above line invokes the hsqldb manager. Make sure all the jar files mentioned above exists in the current folder. With each version of eucalyptus, there may be some upgrade in jar files version too. The above line is for eucalyptus 2.0.2
Also note that the manager may still be invoked if some jar files are missing, but it may not let you log into the database.
Step 3: Fill in the following details in the manager window that pops up
Type: HSQL Database Engine In-Memory
Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
URL: jdbc:hsqldb:hsqls://localhost:9001/eucalyptus_general
user: SA
password: <copied in step 1>
In the above URL eucalyptus_general is one of the databases used by eucalyptus. The list of database names are given below.
1. eucalyptus_storage
2. eucalyptus_auth
3. eucalyptus_config
4. eucalyptus_general
5. eucalyptus_dns
6. eucalyptus_images
7. eucalyptus_walrus
8. eucalyptus_records
Step 4: Click on "OK" to login and a window pops up where you can write sql queries to view/edit them.